Save $: Grocery & Gas
In our area we have Kroger grocery stores, you might have sometime similar in your area, check around. The grocery stores have “reward points” you can earn when you scan your card. In the case of Kroger, you can use these points at a Kroger Gas station to purchase gas at a discount. At the time of this post $1 = 1pt, 100pts = 10 cents off per gal of gas (up to $1 off per gal) up to 35 gal of gas per fill up. At the end of the month we fill up both cars with our points to get the maximum return.
In addition to that, you can get a Kroger Mastercard that also gives you 1pt for each $1 you charge to it. (Never spend more than you can afford to pay off each month). These points are separate from your gas points and they count towards a quarterly rewards check you can use to buy groceries… This last quarter we earned $40 just by using the card to purchase the groceries we would have purchased there anyway! You also get extra points for using the card at Kroger and more points when you purchase Store Brand items.
Bonus #1: They print your Kroger points card on the back of the credit card, so you don’t have to carry around the key fob!
Bonus #2: You get an additional 25 cents off per gallon of gas fill up (for the 1st year, 5 cents off after that). So if you redeem 200pts of your regular Kroger points you get 45 cents off per gal instead of just 20 cents!
Bonus #3: They send you coupons for items you actually buy! We have even received coupons for FREE eggs and a FREE gal of milk!
Bonus #4: If you use our refer-a-friend code, you get a $50 statement credit on your first purchase by 11/15/20. Go to
Enter code: 41895081226